November 6, 2008

More Noe Valley Trees Get The Axe

We noted last month that two large trees on 24th St are coming down. Now we read that many trees in Noe Valley are scheduled for removal:
Within the past several weeks, notices from the City have been taped up all along 24th and some nearby streets alerting residents that mature trees are being chopped down. The three old eucalypts [sic] between the Radio Shack and Le Zinc for instance. And the towering trees outside Bacco and Pasta Gina. And at the corner near Pomodoro.
What's left? Lots of little trees planted last year.

Want to know more? Got something to say? Call the Bureau of Urban Forestry at (415)641-2674.

[Queeristan: Trees-y-come, trees-y-go in Noe?]
[NVSF: Noe Valley Trees: Two Get the Axe]
[NVV: Tree Cheers]