November 15, 2012

This Week At The Planning Commission

A look at Noe Valley projects in front of the Planning Commission this week. Information is provided by the Planning Commission, and taken from its published agenda. All hearings are on Thursday at 1:30pm, Room 400 in City Hall.

November 15th

- south side between Diamond and Castro Streets, Lot 029 in Assessor's Block 6539 - Requests for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2008.03.18.7426 proposing to construct a one-story vertical addition, a rear horizontal addition, infill the setbacks at the east side of the building, and alter the front façade of a single-family dwelling, resulting in a two-story over garage, single-family dwelling, located within a RH-2 (Residential, House, Two-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.
Staff Analysis: Abbreviated Discretionary Review
Preliminary Recommendation: Do not take Discretionary Review and approve
In brief: Previous owners filed for a construction permit in 2008 (that was approved after a mandatory Discretionary Review) but never started work. Instead, they remodeled the kitchen and bathroom and sold the building in 2011. The new owners filed to complete the original permit with some envelope changes, triggering new 311 notification. Neighbors on both sides requested Review citing light and air concerns, as well as design issues. The neighbors say that the new owners have made no effort (and "refused to meet") to discuss alternative designs. The applicant disputes that claim and provides a timeline of meetings and concessions. The Residential Design Team states the project meets Guidelines, and Planning staff recommends approval.

The complete document with request for Discretionary Review, response, drawings, letters and complete staff analysis is here (large PDF).

Update: Approved 5-0.

[SF Planning: 481 Jersey St]
[Photo: SF Planning]